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Liver, gallbladder

Liver is the main chemical factory of our body. A pair organ of the liver is the gallbladder. The liver status can be recognized by the quality of the eyes. During lifetime, the liver is the most loaded organ in the body. If the liver can not work properly and are overloaded with toxins, food or alcohol, then also the other organs in the body gradually collapse.

The mental energy of the liver is, among other things, stress, anger, jealousy. These emotions weaken the liver as well as the body, therefore the liver detoxification is so important.

Symptoms of liver dysfunction:

Problems with eyes, vision problems, fatigue and aversion to do anything. Digestive and gallbladder problems. Fatigue, weakened immune system, menstrual problems.

The product is suitable to be used for:

  • Detoxification of the organism
  • Any liver disease
  • Problems with tendons
  • Migraines, headaches in the temples and behind the eyes
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Fatigue
  • Problems with the gallbladder and digestion
  • Often tired eyes, lachrymation, eye inflammations
  • Painful hips
  • Problems with nails
  • Frequent rage or aggression

Dosage: 3x a day 20 minutes before meal, inject 3x under the tongue